Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

I too was having some serious battery drain on ios 8.1.3 on my iphone 5s. the phone kept getting warm (like i was using maps navigation) i think i just fixed it.. Pro tips & solutions to fix ios 8.2 battery issue on your iphone 6 plus, 6, 5s, fix ios 8.2 battery drain problems on iphone 6+ 6 5s 5c 5. lock ios 8.1.3 / 10. How to fix ios 8.2 battery drain issue on iphone. which includes the iphone 5s, iphone 6 and i’ve had major battery drain issues since 8.1.3 as have many.

The final stop for solving your iphone battery drain the ultimate guide to solving iphone battery contributing to battery drain? i have had my iphone 5s. I have the same exact problem with my iphone 5s. since upgrading from ios 7.1.2 to ios 8 and now 8.0.2, my battery drains very fast and the phone heats up more than ever.. I bought a used iphone 5s recently (2-3 months ago) and had a lot of fun with it. however, this week, without dropping or damaging the phone at all (a friend gave me.

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